otherwise known as a BMW, or Beamer, or the quintessential OC car. Rodney's been wanting one for awhile and this one was a good deal and (sort of) fit in our budget. Will was disappointed that it wasn't a truck (I am sorry, but I have to agree that the F-150 seemed to fit Rodney better) but it do have to admit that it is fun to drive, although the only times I have really gotten to drive it is with the sales guy or Rodney in the car, so I haven't gotten to really test it out yet ... just waiting for the chance to take it on the toll road solo ... LOL. But Rodney is happy, especially since he is getting 30-plus miles per gallon on the way to work. Much better than the 13 or so he got in the truck (but then again, he had about 400 pounds (no kidding) of stuff loaded into all the tool chests, nooks and crannies - you should see all the stuff he took out of it, now littering our garage!). Next time you're over, you'll have to give it a spin for yourself to see if it lives up to the slogan ... the Ultimate Driving Machine. I just hope that if Rodney gets transferred, whereever we go will have a BMW dealership nearby for any repairs!