Apparently, this shopping trip was just too much for the 8.5-month-old. Joe and Gina sent over these pictures. It also looks like Brandon might have gotten Grandpa Mark's bald spot ...
As for the Guthrie's, we are busy as always. Will was home sick with a cold-ish type thing the end of last week, but had kicked it by Saturday night. Xan has not yet caught it, but there is still time!
Although we had planned to move across town to a bigger home this week, it looks like Rodney will be getting orders to teach at the Naval Base in Pensacola, FL, this summer, instead. So, we are having to break the lease we signed just about a week ago and try to get our deposit back. None of us are overly thrilled by the news, and details are sketchy at best, right now. We'll keep you all posted.
Grandma Peggy was scheduled to fly out to help with the boys while my parents and I headed to a scrapbook expo in the Bay Area and Rodney moved the household, but it looks like she'll just be out here for the fun of it, soaking up the 70-degree sunshine and spending time with the boys. She'll even be accompanying Will on his kindergarten field trip to the farm at the Orange County Fairgrounds while she is here.
Both boys are working on molars right now: Will is getting his 6-year-old molars (no loose teeth yet!) and Xan is getting in his 2-year-old molars. Will is fascinated by the game "Mouse Trap" right now and Xan is all about carrying his little "pack-pack" to school every morning, like Will. He is also very serious about Will not forgetting his backpack in the car when he gets out to head to class each morning. Xan can't take his back pack (it is actually Will's little red one, with his name embroidered on it. There's a birthday gift idea for someone ...) to daycare, so we leave it in the car and I take it home for the next morning.
Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy!