... so, I was really excited when I found out that one of my favorite comedians, Christopher Titus, was performing live at the Irvine Improv just a few hours after my plane touched down in SoCal. Since Rodney is in Pensacola, and he is usually my comedy club date, I dragged my Mom to the comedy club, instead. She was a good sport about the whole thing, I even heard her laugh a few times.
Since Rodney likes Titus as much as I do, I called home to ask him if he would like a CD or autograph or something. Rodney's favorite bit that Titus does is when the comedian talks about falling into a bonfire as a teenager. So, Rodney's response:
"Can you get him to sign a can of lighter fluid?"
I wasn't sure if lighter fluid would be allowed into the Improv, so, not wanting to get caught with a "weapon of mass destruction" and kicked out, I said,
"No. How about a 2 x 4?" Deal.

So, after the hilarious show, I stood in line to buy a CD and meet Titus, trying to hang on to my foot-long 2 x 4 as inconspicuously as possible. Titus was also a good sport, graciously signing the 2 x 4 with a slight laugh. (Side note: Titus was great with his fans, taking the time to shake hands, hear stories and chat... you have to respect a guy who apprciates his fans. BTW, if you're a fan, he is working on a new TV show and movie.)

Mom took this maniacal picture of me with the funnyman, just before he signed the 2 x 4 piece of "bonfire" wood. Nice photo of him, not so much of ME! Very fun, spontaneous night ... now, since I am on central time in a Pacific time zone world at the moment, the bed is calling!