... Rodney and I haven't been up to too much lately. We're going out a bit, but trying to keep expenses down, of course. Rodney's been playing a lot of softball lately and his team is doing very well. He hopes it continues - they need to stay in the top four of about 16 teams to go to the playoffs. As for me, I am keeping my free time busy by playing bingo. I've been pretty lucky so far, winning some money here and there. Rodney asked to come with me on Friday. Here is what Rodney playing bingo looks like:

I have also been decorating a lamp for charity. Creative Escape, the national scrapbooking event that I taught at in Arizona last year asked me if I wouldn't mind decorating a "dowdy lamp" that they sent me and then send it back to them. CE participants can then bid on the lamps and the money goes to a couple of charities. Here is how my lamp turned out. It's a little too pink for my taste, but pink and green are CE's signature colors.