I officially graduated from Pen Air's Management University with a nice luncheon on Wednesday. I also got an engraved paperweight, which is very nice, but very clear, so it does not photograph well. As you know, this series of classes is how I met Athena, a communications professor at the University of West Florida, and she encouraged me to apply for the graduate degree I am now seeking. This week she sent me the following email:
Your professors RAVE about how wonderful you are. They keep telling me thank you for “finding you,” which makes me laugh because it was just such a lucky episode in my life to meet you. We are all perfectly delighted to have you in the program. You’re a stand-out as I knew you would be.
Here’s a funny true story that came up in a faculty meeting the other day. Someone said, “Oh, we should ask the student ... I’ve blanked on her name ... the really good writer ...” Two or three people responded in unison “Jessica Guthrie!” And we were right. That’s how sterling your reputation is!
That email totally made my day!