So the kids have created somewhat of a Christmas list as they walked through Sam's Club this weekend. Also, we took a trip to Game Stop. Here is what was mentioned:
Movies: The most recent Pirates of the Caribbean (actually, we don't own any of them), the new release of The Lion King, Pixar short films
Wii games: Mario Cart, Pokemon
DS games: Spongebob, Mario Cart
Other items: Lego sets (Ninjago are popular and they haven't collected too many of these), iPad
For Will: Diary of a Whimpy kids books 2,3,4, and 5.
For Xan: MXS race track (see photo)
The boys also tried out the DS 3D, but neither saw the value (thank goodness - it requires a different kind of games!).
What was not mentioned was clothing. Here is info from a post from earlier this fall:
Will is in a size 12 slim jean. Old Navy seems to fit him the best and don't shrink up as bad as other brands. Do not by loose-fitting jeans, they just bag up. Will would love some long pants, jeans and cargos. He is a 10/12 in shirts and could really use some nice long sleeve, button-down and polo shirts. He is drowning in long sleeved tees. His shoe size is 6.5 mens.
Xan is in a size 7 SLIM jean. And I mean slim. Old Navy seems to fit him best, also, for the same reason as Will. This are pretty baggy on him already, since he is a twig, but the length is great. He is fine on pants. Actually, he is fine on everything because we have a bunch of Will's hand-me-downs. The only thing he might need in the pants area is one or two pairs of jeans for school. We have some new ones, but the hand-me-downs from Will have holes in the knees - that was Will's sliding-across-the-floor-on-his-knees stage in life. But shirts (he's a size 6), PJs, etc., he is just fine. He is a size 13 in shoes.