Saturday, November 24, 2012


The Japanese protested today outside the front gate of the base, so the front gate was closed for a couple of hours.Japanese law requires that protesters get permits ahead of time so the base knew about this scheduled protest a few days ago. Here is a video a friend of mine took. I have no idea what they are shouting, or what they were protesting, other than the American military's general presence in their country.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Molly goes to school...

Both boys wanted to show Molly off to their classes at school, so I arranged it with their teachers to go Wednesday afternoon. Will's class of 5th graders was first, and the other 5th grade class joined them. I created a PowerPoint presentation for the kids, and just made sure my talks were age-appropriate. Here are photos, and a link to the YouTube video Will took.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Boys' Christmas lists

By request, the boys have submitted their Christmas Wish list. Here is what I have with links to Amazon for either easy ordering, or for visual reference.

WWE 13 X-box 360 game
WWE Nintendo DS game
WWE Rumblers: Alberto Del Rio
Ninjago Legos
WWE Wrestlers: Randy Orton
Razor Scooters

Xan wears a size 8 slim (not skinny - slim. The boys don't like the "skinny" style of jean. "slim means the jeans are cut normal, just for thinner kids) jean and Will wears a size 16 slim jean. Old Navy is the best place to get clothes that will fit them and wash well.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Japanese KFC and Star Student of the Week...

Above is what I think could be considered a Japanese version of fried fast food. Like KFC, but fish instead of chicken. The boys liked it, but it is served buffet style., with you paying per item. Unfortunately for me, their eyes were bigger than their stomachs, but good for me was the fact that this place was CHEAP and the entire meal cost about 1,600 yen, or around $20. We went to this restaurant Friday while Rodney was the bar on base for "Bosses' Night."

This week Xan is the "Star Student" in his class. Each student gets a chance to have a week as the Star Student. Of course, my son gets a short week, but he'snot complaining. He loves long weekends. More time to watch Real Steel and play with his WWE Rumblers. He had to make a t-shirt poster about his favorite things. Both of those items were listed. Wednesday Molly goes to school, to both Will and Xan's classes. I'll create a short lesson on sugar gliders, marsupials and the benefits of mineral oil on constipation in the little creatures. Just kidding on that last part, although it could grab the kids' interest. I'll try to get some pictures.

Also, be sure to check out my public blog for my latest adventures with Doctor Fish.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Teeth, balls and bombs...

I made it home just in time to attend the 237th Marine Corps Ball (if you have not read about my adventures as I tired to get back home to Japan from the states, or if you want more in-depth coverage of the ball, be sure to visit my public blog: Here are photos of Rodney and I all cleaned up:

The boys decided to be brave again, and agrees to try some more Japanese food. No sushi this time - we went with the safer kids' meals. ;)  They liked it much better.

Excitement when we got home from running errands in town today: We couldn't access our house for about two hours due to a bomb scare being called in. There were no bombs found, but they broke out the little bomb robot and everything. We didn't stick around long to watch... instead, we went bowling and ate dinner.

And, last, but not least... Will has lost yet another tooth. This makes five teeth lost since we moved to Japan at the end of July.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Since I've been gone...

Most of you are aware that I left Rodney and the boys back in Japan while I traveled to the states for a whirlwind visit with family and friends. You can read the first installment of my trip on my public blog by clicking here.

But the men in Japan have been keeping busy. Here are some of the highlights Rodney has forwarded to me:

While I was boarding the plane for the states Oct. 20, Rodney and Will found this jacket for  the latter  for $12  at the Iwakuni thrift store. Love that place!

Xan lost his first top front tooth and the tooth fairy brought him a "100 yen nickel," as he put it on Skype.

The base had several Halloween events for the kids. This was a photo taken at the one hosted by the base library. They take being warriors very seriously, so no smiles.
In order to wear a costume to school, the costume had to be homemade or recycled. The warrior costumes they had apparently did not qualify, so Rodney dressed them up as baseball players, which must have qualified. At least they are not quite so serious with these costumes!

As mentioned in an earlier post, Xan has 4 cavities that need to be filled. Here is the first one, which needed a crown. Thank goodness these are just baby teeth! We have discussed improving our tooth brushing skills!

Xan in the dentists' chair.

The boys thank everyone for their spooky Halloween cards and gifts. Rodney said they had a great time opening them! And speaking of Rodney, he has improved his bowling score yet again: