Xan and I had quite a painful weekend.
Xan is pulling himself up and climbing on everything, now. Daddy was in charge and he managed to climb on a doll-sized chair my parents have and tipped it over on himself. The slats on the chair bruised both sides of his head at once. Neat trick. Then he fell twice more and bumped his head, standing along the bars in his crib. Rodney is worried that daycare will call child protective services on him.
I attended the Scrapbook Expo in Ontario, Calif., on Saturday. During one of the classes I took, I managed to cut out a chunk of my left index finger. I did it at around 1 p.m., but I still had another class and contest results to get through. I got some supplies from the EMT at the first aid station and continued through my day. This Expo only happens once a year and I was NOT going to miss it! By 7 p.m., it still hadn't stopped bleeding, so my mother made Rodney take me to the emergency room. I tried to avoid that by going to my favorite urgent care, but, of course, it was closed. Luckily, I was the last patient at the hospital's "fast track" emergency room, so I was in and out within an hour - no kidding! No stitches, since I made quite a crater in my finger, but I did get a lovely, white, bigger-than-life bandage and a tetanus shot. I should be able to take the wrap off Monday night and just use Band-Aids from then on, the doctor said. In the meantime, I can't get my hand wet, so Rodney has been washing my hair, bathing the kids and anything else that requires getting hands wet.
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