I took it upon myself to throw me a 30th Birthday Crop at Angels Scrapbook Garden from 9 a.m. to midnight Nov. 11. After all, if I had left it up to Rodney to throw me a crop party, it would probably be in a corn field. (Get it? Crop? Ha ha) Any hoo ... Here are some of the photos, from Nan and Michi. Some of the photos on Nan's camera were really blurry. Most of the rest are here. 16 people cropped for 15 hours, with a raffle prize every half hour - 30 prizes for 30 years! Plus, we had contests. Here are the winners:
Scrapbook Trivia: Michelle
Scrapbook Scavenger Hunt:1st Place Team: Michelle, Mitzi and Julie S.
2nd Place Team: Michi, Paul and Nan
Page Contest Winners:1st: Michelle (what a winner!)
2nd: Nan
3rd: Jacqui
Most pages finished: Nan, with 33!
The grandmas and boys stopped by to say hi while we were there, and both Michi and Nan brought cakes - both from Ralphs, and they were SO yummy! I just wish my mind hadn't been on the move so I could have focused on scrapbooking more. But there's always next year ... Thanks to everyone for making my day so special!