Actually, it was more like a Moving Two Weeks and an Unpacking Eternity, but we managed to get packed and our stuff transported to our new digs. Rodney had the help of my friend Nan's husband, Peter, in making a gate for a dog run, putting in a new side garage door, water spigot for the refrigerator ice maker and new door locks. Rodney is especially proud of the new gate. Grandma Peggy flew in Friday night, Nov. 10, to help watch the boys for the weekend. I think she needed an excuse to see them anyway. Rodney had six buddies from base and my Dad helping him with the physical move on Saturday. I, of course, had my birthday crop, so I only heard that it all went as well as could be expected. My big day was Sunday, when I tried to unpack enough so we could all (Peggy, Xan, Will Rodney and I) stay at the new house Sunday night. Will loves his new room, Xan is enjoying his attempt at pulling every cord he can in the house and Rodney and I are running ourselves ragged trying to get the house in order and still maintain the daily schedule of activities.
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