Yeah ... I would see white, middle-aged to young men in suits strolling around restaurants, Starbucks, Costco - wherever - with their Bluetooth ear piece stuck on their ear, usually later seen getting into their BMW or Cadillac Escalade. I figured that the Bluetooth was a symbol of men who were incredibly important - in their own minds, of course! While this still may be true, I started seeing more women wearing them and figured that they, like their male counterparts, were also needing to display their importance. But that was before ...
This is NOW. I NOW realize that women wearing Blueteeth (Bluetooths?!) are busy, overworked (my own fault!), sleep-deprived mothers who need the ability to drive, answer a 4-year-old's constant questions, search for the checkbook in her purse so she can pay the daycare people, and call her husband to remind him that it is hockey night, all at the same time. Otherwise known as MULTI-TASKERS who managed to lose their current phones' often-used wired handsfree earpiece somewhere in their house, but still can't find it 5 days later!
If you hadn't already guessed, I am now a Bluetooth owner. Here I am with my Bluetooth I got for a bargain at Costco, and, since my current phone was not Bluetooth capable, (plus I was due for a new one, anyway) I got one of the Motorola Razor phones that are so popular right now. It was on sale and also allows me to check my email. I'm enjoying them, but the time I would be saving by being connected is being used up on the learning curve of how to use these things! Where is a 14-year-old electronics master when you need one?!
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