This week I realized that the "separate but equal" toy philosophy for siblings would have to start being implemented.
Will had Flat Stanley this week for a preschool project (this is a popular thing nationwide and is based on a children's book where a boy is squished flat by a falling billboard but the good thing is that his parents can fold him up in an envelope and send him anywhere in the world) so I figured we'd take Flat Stanley to the Irvine Specturum, Will's favorite place, for a few pictures for the project. (Sidenote: I forgot my camera, tried to take pictures with my camera phone and couldn't figure out how to successfully email them to myself. Technology sucks sometimes.)
Of course, we had to go to Dave and Busters to shoot the guns, so we did that, as well as play games to collect tickets for prizes in the prize cage. Will picked out a monkey head on a stick. You squeeze the trigger and the mouth opens and shuts. Xan got one glimpse of this and had to have it.
Will was a very good big brother and shared it with him, but Xan did not want to give it up AT ALL. He would scream and cry when I took it away for his bath that night. When I was finishing up bathing Will, Xan managed to find his way into Will's room and came crawling back out with the Monkey on a Stick. This was all on Thursday night.
By Saturday morning, I realized that we would need a second monkey on a stick if everyone was going to be happy. I needed to go shopping for some gifts and a dress anyway, so the boys and I headed to the Specturm once again (Rodney had to work). After playing just ticket games, Will earned enough tickets for a Zebra on a Stick and an inflatable hammer. I was wise enough to bring the Monkey on a Stick with us, so both boys walked out of Dave and Busters very happy, confirming the "separate but equal" toy philosophy for siblings.
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