The equivalent to this party, for women, is a baby shower. Since men run screaming from baby showers, but Joe and Gina could really use a plethora of diapers with Brandon's scheduled arrival June 25, my mom, dad, husband and I hosted a Pamper Poker party at our house May 5. We had 17 men playing (only two ladies were present - sort of. One guy brought his date, who watched but did not play, and then there was me, and I hid out in my scrap room as much as possible!
The way the Pamper Poker party game works is this: Each guest brought a package of diapers as the "gift" or "ante". While there was only supposed to be diapers for the baby, a couple of guys got creative and brought some Depends for Joe. Those still counted toward the diaper total.
For every two diapers you brought, you got a poker chip for the first game, with the limit being set at 200 diapers (or 100 chips). Winner took all - a $100 gift card to Home Depot - and the winner was Peter Paturzo, who bought shelves for his garage with it the next day. Go, Pete!
After that first game, others were played and it made for a 2 a.m. evening, but that was apparently OK with me - I was a little tired and slept in until 1:30 p.m. Sunday. I couldn't believe it when I saw the clock! Ahhh ... it reminded me of those 'ol college days...
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