It seems as though all of SoCal is on fire, but, fortunately, it hasn't reached too close to us. Yes, the Santiago/Modjeska fire has been only a couple of miles away from our house, as the crow flies, but we have a lot of neighborhoods between us and the fire line. The smoke is horrible and school has been cancelled for tomorrow.
The photo here was taken by my brother, Joe, when he and I went diving to go find the fire Sunday evening, The Santiago fire started about 15 minutes after I drove past where it started, on the 241 toll road. I hadn't seen any smoke when I drove past, so when we saw the black smoke from my parent's house, I knew it was a fresh fire. I had no idea that it would last four days ... and counting. It is now 50 percent contained. I drove on the toll road today and it was just to amazing to see the burnt trees, brush and cacti. Some pockets were still smoldering.
Camp Pendleton was also on fire, and, unfortunately, Rodney was assigned duty today. So he has spent the day fielding phone calls since the there is near the flightline and threatening a number of homes. The I-5 was even closed last night, but was open by the time Rodney dive to work aound 7 a.m.
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