Will gets his Bionicles

Xan loves his new metal shopping cart

Dad helps with the stubborn plastic

Xan poses obediently (for once) with his cart

Ah, the pain of Christmas!

Something the boys can tear up the house with

We're cruisin'! And Will's bummed he can't go ...

Can't forget to spread the Christmas cheer to the canines, as well! They get toys and bones.

Rodney opens the iPod case "Xan" got him

Will's loot

Xan's loot
Christmas was quite lovely for the four of us in the Guthrie household. Will and Xan both got wonderful gifts from Santa. Will go the Lego Bionicles he asked for and Xan seemed to be pleased with Santa's suggested gift of a shopping cart full of groceries and cookware. Other gifts included Aunt Harriet's puzzle for Xan and rubberband-propelled car for Will; Miss Laurie's gifts of a remote-controlled ATV for Will and a very exciting tractor and combine set for Xan; books, coloring supplies, stuffed animals, puzzles, Spiderman slippers and much more from Mom and Dad. The boys and I got Rodney part of his new iPod, an adapter so he can listen to it in his car, a black leather iPod case, a bunch of his favorite pens, a handmade calendar with important dates already in it amd a bunch of shirts from Boot Barn that still not have arrived yet (grrr....!). But Rodney's gifts to me were the best of all. I got a fabulous new jacket with matching gloves and a green scarf that will be great for our trip to Illinois, a rolling case for the scrapbook make and takes I will be doing at Expos next year for Kits2Remember and a "honeymoon" CRUISE!!! Rodney and I will be taking a 5-day cruise to Cabo San Lucas and Ensenada at the end of March next year aboard the Carnival ship Elation. We never went on a honeymoon when we got married and I have always wanted to go on a cruise, so I am VERY excited about the trip! Rodney said he is, too! Plus, it will be at the end of a very busy 3-months for us, so, all the more need for a fun, relaxing getaway! Oh, and I also got myself a new digital SLR camra ... the Canon Rebel XTi. And I absolutely love it! After a quick clean up, we were off to Grandma Nancy and Granpa Mark's house to Christmas it up there!