Xan is starting to live up to my prediction of being a bit of a wild child. While Will has sof far (knock on wood) avoided stitches, Xan got his first ones yesterday after playing in Will's room. Rodney was in charge, so no one is really sure what happened. Apparently Will and Xan were wrestling on the lower bunk when Will accidentally knocked him off and he split his chin open on the dresser next to the bed. The not-so-funny funny part was that Will was afrid to tell the truth, but finally came out with it after it appeared to be a pretty serious cut, admitting he "accidentally lied" about whatever the original story was he told his Dad. Since Will was crying, feeling pretty bad about what he had done, I stayed with Xan at the urgent care and Will and Dad went to McDonalds for lunch (and hopefully a discussion on being more careful with his little brother and lying).
Xan was fine as long as you did not touch his chin and I could hold him. But, it was pretty clear he was going to need ot be stitched up, so they numbed the area, and gave him a sucker to enjoy while we waited for the numbness to kick in. That's when this picture was taken. He screamed through the shot (who wouldn't?) and then the first couple of stitches (scared) but by the third stitch and the promise of his binki after it was all done, Xan layed there quitely while the doctor stitched him up. He was out playing in the waiitng room 10 minutes later and by dinner time and Grandma and Grandpa's, he was hardly phased. What a trooper!
1 comment:
Hey Xan, hope you are feeling better!
I've been there too, the ER with Evelyn and 6 stitches under her chin after she fell off her bike in the street.
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