This morning was the church play practice for the children's Christmas performances tomorrow. Since Rodney and I will be driving back to Pensacola tomorrow, I went to the practice today so I could see Will and Xan in all their theatrical glory.
Xan's was more gory than glory - he did not want to participate in anything and stern Mommy had to make him get dressed in his costume and at least partially participate in the performance.

Of course, we could hear him bawl the entire time, unless Aunt Sam held him. Hopefully he will do better for the real thing tomorrow.
Mary Pursley emceed the event (more like herding cats than anything else) and Vicky Orr directed. First, the kids explained the meaning of Christmas with a STAR;

And then it was time for them to be carolers with jingle bells, knocking on Vicky Orr's door to spread good tidings and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Will was very good, having learned his speaking parts in a matter of days and did a wonderful job of playing Joseph to Kara's Mary.

There were also three kings,

(Xan, Hannah and Lauren), a shepherd (Aiden)

and an angel (Emily).

On a sadder note, puppy Jenny passed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. It turns out that when the vet performed surgery on her for an interstinal blockage, he discovered she was born with a deformed stomach that would not be able to be repaired. Although she only with us a short time, we will miss her sweet face and personality. Best wishes, Jenny.