Tuesday the weather turned into icy rain and Aunt Jill had to postpone her trip from St. Louis for the holiday by a day. She was less than thrilled but has since safely arrived to help Will create a gingerbread house. My car was a bit confused witht he severe change in weather from the balmy 75-degree weather we had left in Pensacola - it now had icicles dripping from it.

Here is Rodney trying not to slip on the icy grass as he gets the mail for his Mom. She had slipped and cracked her head a few days earlier, but is just fine now.

Cousin Katie and her son Drew, were already in town from Arizona. We had a great time getting to know Drew, who is a real cutie. We think he looks like Uncle Jim. Speaking of Uncle Jim, he was attacked by an unruly group of boys yesterday. I think he has fully recovered by now.

Tuesday evening Grandpa Paul arrive home with a surprise: He had won a Wii game console at work! What a great Christmas gift for everyone!

I quickly installed it and in the past two days the entire family has bowled, played tennis, played baseball, boxed and more. Will was especially thrilled and quickly beat everyone at bowling with his strikes. Here's the proof that EVERYONE (even Aunt Brenda!) was having fun...

Even Drew started getting in on the action...

1 comment:
I love your stories. It looks like a great Christmas you will have. A white one, at that...lucky you guys. We got our Wii for Christmas last year. Isn't it awesome. It looks like bowling is your fam fave, ours is tennis...although for my oldest it is bowling. This year, we are getting Guitar Hero and Mario Karts (with steering wheel) for it. We already have like 10 other games, but the tennis and bowling seem to be everyones favorites.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
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