It was an early morning for the whole family today, everyone was up by 6 a.m. There were some nerves for Will, he did not eat much all day until our roast beef dinner, and Grandma Nancy, who is the boys' roommate, heard Will talking in his sleep:
"But I already read 'Cat in the Hat.'"
A little later:
"I AM standing in line."
And in the wee hours of the morning, he ended up crawling into bed with her.
But he was quite brave and excited about his new school, class and teacher, Ms. Perry, this morning. He was one of the first kids to arrive in his classroom and Mrs. Perry was kind enough to pose for a photo for this scrapbooker.

He also went to the Pensacola version of TLC after-school care, Childhood Dreams, where the teachers there said he adjusted very well to the transition.
Xan insisted he was going to school, too, and I had to help him find is "pack-pack" in the play room. Once he had that, he was ready to roll!

Will came home saying he liked Lance, the kid who sits next to him in class. He also said, very diplomatically, "I don't mean this in a mean way or anything, but my teacher, well, she was a little grouchy." This got a big laugh from Grandma Peggy, the retired elementary school teacher, who said that you have to be a bit tough the first day and then soften up later - it's harder to go the other direction. I'll take her word for it.
While Will was school, Xan got enrolled in Blue Angel Early Learning Center preschool. He will start next Monday, so we will have photos of that. Today, the grandparents and Xan got a tour of the school and he was very impressed by the variety of toys available in each of the classrooms we visited. Then, it was back home until time to pick Will up later in the afternoon. Grandpa Paul worked on shelves in the garage. The grandmas watched movies, took walks and chatted. Xan played, ate lunch and then took a 2-hour nap. I took a 2-hour nap, too... I am sorry but 6 a.m. is just too early for this night owl. I was falling asleep at my computer at 10 a.m.!
Before we picked up Will, I took the grandmas on a brief drive through the Naval Air Station Pensacola, stopping at Rodney's work, which is the Air Traffic Control school. Rodney's friend Jesse was sweet about showing us around and explaining how everything was run and organized. I, personally, want to try my hand at the simulators! Big video games... fun stuff!

Once dinner was over, before we got to dessert, Will asked to be excused from the table. By the time we were done with dessert, Will was asleep on the couch, wrapped in his favorite blanket. Poor kid! It was barley 7:30 p.m., but off to bed to begin the day again!
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