The night before we had opened up gft swith Rodney's extended family - it ONLY took 2.5 hours! :) Here are some photos from that night.

While the kids are away, the parents will play! Whie the kids spent an extra week in Illinois with Rodney's family, Rodney and I rang in the New Year four nights in a row. It sounds a lot crazier than it was. We did kareoke twice, had a poker game at our house once and watched the Pensacola Pelican (think Times Square Ball) drop over at our friend Tyler's house, Four nights out in a row and we will probably need a full week to recover I am sure...

Plus, Rodney's best friend, Jesse, is leaving for officer's training this week, so we had a farewell party for him to go to. Good luck, AZ! We'll miss you.

The boys got back around 9 p.m. last night, escorted by Grandma Peggy and Aunt Sam. There wasn't school yet today, so we went to the Naval Aviation Museum on NAS Pensacola in the morning. Very interesting place.

This is the first plane ever purchased by the Navy. It was bought in 1911 from Glen Curtis because the Wright Brother's plane design didnlt have fixed wings.

Will loved this aircraft carrier model, stared at it for quite awhile. He especially loved the seasick sailor thowing up over the rail (he's pointing it out to you.)

And then, while Rodney and I worked, the boys and the Illinois gals headed to the beach. They had a great time in the 75-degree weather.
1 comment:
oh, .. it'a good family ..
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