Xan had his "Special birthday time," as he called it today. He went shopping at Target with GG and Grandma Nancy and got to pick out his own gifts. After he chose a couple of trucks and a pack of Legos, he had to be convinced to pick out a last gift from Great Grandma GG. He didn't feel he needed another gift, I guess, but ended up with a Clash Cage for his new trucks.
Both boys went to the doctor today for their annual checkup. Will is in the 97th percentile for height, Xan is in the 95th, so if you didn't believe they were tall before, you can believe it now. Xan also has some fluid in his lungs, perhaps from allergies or the remnants of the flu he had a couple of wereks ago, so he got some antibiotics and a dose of albuterol through a nebulizer at the doctor's office. This made him a little more wired than usual. Quite a treat for Grandma Nancy while she waited for his antibiotics to be ready at the pharmacy...
Later in the evening, Rodney's friend Jesse came over for birthday cake, bearing gifts. Xan opened his cards (Thank you Uncle Earl, Aunt Vic, Grandma Peggy, Grandpa Paul, Unlce Jim, Aunt Brenda, Grandpa Bill, Grandma Velma, Aunt Carole, Uncle Fred, Joe and Abby, Beulah and Terri) and gifts. He got Bakugans (Will is a bit jealous) from Jesse and Nicole, new training wheels for his bike, a bat, ball, and glove, and more trucks. And then there was cake!

OMG!!! Is it just me???? Since you last posted a photo of Xan he looks SOOOO much older. Maybe it's just the realization that Xan is now 3! OMG!!!
I think it might be the haircut, too. They finally got one last week!
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