... Will, Xan and Grandma Nancy arrived safely in Orange County today, the boys embarking on their summer away from home with both sets of grandparents. Yesterday we decided to kill two birds with one trip to Pensacola Beach: show Grandma Nancy an area she hadn't seen before, and spend quality time as a family. So, we drove across two bridges to visit Pensacola Beach, a gulfside community known for its nightlife and beach vacations for Southerners. We drove around the town, checking out the vacation condos, elementary school on stilts and the "alien house," a boxy white house with a big windowed bubble on top of it that looks a lot like a Warner Brothers cartoon UFO.
After lunch at Crabs (the King crab legs were quite delicious and the service was great) we headed off to the huge water slide the boys has spotted during our driving tour of the area. For $7 each - a fund-raiser put on by the Gulf Breeze High School cheerleaders - they could go down the slide as often as they wanted - or as often as we would let them! That turned out to be 6 times! Will, of course, led the excursion, but Xan did not hesitate - even as he stared down from the top of the slide... here are some more photos ...

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