Xan wanted to go on the Ferris wheel, and Rodney figured his stomach could handle that, so he went, too.

Will's first ride choice was an obstacle course, and since Xan is 42.5 inches tall (a half-inch to spare!) he got to go, too.

After the obstacle course, we walked by a petting zoo, and was going to skip it since we've done those plenty of times before, but they had something different - two adorable 7-week-old pot bellied piglets.

While we were in the petting zoo, we had some enthusiastic onlookers.

After walking around the fairgrounds for awhile, the boys needed some nourishment - in the form of slushes. They loved the fact that they got to mix and match their flavors. Of course they had them all.

After some sustenance, it was back to the rides! Xan wanted to go on the "spaceship" at first (the ride that spins like a top with you inside) but changed his mind after I told him that he would stick to the wall until the ride was over. He settled on a small roller coaster, instead, and had a great time.

Mom convinced Will to go on her favorite ride with her, the Orbiter, and he was a bit nervous. So nervous, he kept his eyes closed before the ride and a little bit during. But he was none the worse for wear when he got off and was proud of himself for being so brave.

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