Sorry for the delay in posting anything new ... but truly, we have not done a whole heck of a lot around here. We have gone to a Pensaocla Ice Flyers game - all of us really enjoy those, and fortunately, so do our friends, (Xan is pictured here with my friend Brynn and her husband Greg) so we often go in large groups. Makes for a good time.

Xan loves chanting "Let's go, Ice Flyers, Let's Go!" over and over. Will like when the music comes up between plays so he can dance. Both of them love it when the teams fight. No blood bouncing on ice yet, though.
As some of you may have noticed on Facebook (Mom and Dad: If you really want blow-by-blow updates on our life, you really need to try it) I have acquired a set of golf clubs. I've gone to the driving range (I realize in this photo that my hands are wrong - that was fixed quite soon after this photo was taken) and Rodney was very impressed by how straight my shots were. I was not impressed until they stopped scooting around the ground and had some loft to them. This might be a game I could grow to enjoy.
We've stuck around the house, for the most part, this month so far. It has been miserably cold here, and now that it has warmed back up to the 60s during the day, it is raining all day and night. While this has been a fun change from the Florida heat and humidity, we are all looking forward to milder weather.
Last night we had a number of friends over for a Pampered Chef party and poker. Everyone seemed to have a great time, but Rodney and I did not get to bed until 3 a.m. Even the night owl in me was exhausted by then!
Today was a family day... Rodney and I woke up to a "meal" in a "restaurant" founded by the boys. It took up residence in the hall and featured the classic American cuisine of hamburgers, chicken, salads, soda, unsweet tea and beer. While Rodney appreciated the beer on the menu, he felt it was a bit too early in the day to imbibe.
Later, we headed to Foley so I could go to the scrap store and home decor store there to prepare for some scrap classes I am teaching in Orange Beach, AL, next weekend. Apparently Xan was kept up a little too late last night - he fell asleep in the shopping cart after about 20 minutes in the store.

Afterwards, we went to the Mellow Mushroom for pizza and our waitress apparently did not know what Canadian bacon was (ham) and returned a pizza that had strips of breakfast bacon across it. Rodney was not amused, to say the least.