Rodney, Will and Xan were, there of course, watched the game, played chuck-a-puck and watched me play broomball with my coworkers.

As part of our sponsorship opportunity, we got to play broomball between the first and second periods. The Marketing dept. challenged the IT dept. to the match up. The game was 3 minutes long, sneakers on ice, brooms in hand and inflatable ball being smacked around toward the two hockey nets.

The IT Team

The Marketing Team

Marketing won 2-1, with YOURS TRULY earning the game-winning goal! Here are the sequence shots my friend Brynn got (I'm the one in the sensible knee pads!):

Saturday morning, Xan was feel quite creative and industrious, creating a "bad guy Avatar jet." Will assured us he only helped when Xan couldn't squeeze the pieces in right without breaking part of the jet. The design is all Xan's. Not bad for 3.

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