... from our Illinois trip last week. Of course, a few were posted earlier, but here are some more! These are in no particular order....

Xan throws the baseball to Abby while Uncle Jim watches. Drew was playing, too.

Xan enjoys one of Grandpa's many wild kittens.

Aunt Ann, Eddie, Rich and Mary Ellen.

Aiden hangs out by the creek. And, later, in the creek.

Aunt Brenda arranges flowers in preparation for the open house.

Will and Kara were the door greeters during the open house.

Will ad Lauren playing in the creek.

Will scores a direct hit!

Will, Rodney and Xan on Father's Day morning.

Will with "his" kitten.

Grandma and Grandpa's anniversary card from the President.

Paul and Will on Father's Day morning.

The 70-plus people at the Reel reunion. (Minus, Jill, Luke and me.)

All the aunts look at the album I made for Grandma and Grandpa. Peggy helped out a lot, gathering pictures.

The sky at sunset during the Reel reunion at the creek.

Lauren with one of Grandma and Grandpa's many wild kittens.

Aunt Leta Jean (Grandma's sister), Aunt Pat (Grandpa's sister) and Grandpa

Lisa and Abby in between dish washing at the open house.

Lisa with one of the many kittens.

Mary Ellen, her Mom, Aunt Leta Jean, ad her sister, Barbara.

Jill and Luke at the Reel Reunion June 19 at Cedar Cave.

Joe and Abby with their nephew Drew.

Kara and "her" kitten (at Grandpa's house) named Firecracker.

The Poor twins, Landon and Lucas.

Water balloon fight!

Grandma and Grandpa cut the cake at their 60th Anniversary open house June 20.

Grandma and Grandpa's house, built in the 1860's.

Feeding each other cake at the open house.

Hannah and Kara eating at the creek - Hannah is having a hard time staying awake!

The open house cake table decor.

Grandma, Grandpa and their "girls."

Drew with his flute.

Uncle Earl and Aunt Vicky - if you ever go to their house you MUST ask for the green iced tea and popcorn. Yum!

Emma enjoys the creek.

We had to stop at the Guthrie exit, although we are still not sure of that town is in the state of Tennessee or Kentucky.

Our Friday night hotel room had towel origami.

The Becks and Dippels.

Brooke enjoys her chicken bone.

The open house cake has Grandma and Grandpa's original cake topper, which has also been on each of their daughters' wedding cakes, and on top of ours at our Illinois wedding reception in January 2000.