And then had errands to run. We got Xan signed up for Pre-K for the fall,and took the boys to the dentist. This is Xan's second time to the dentist, and he did quite well, watching TV and answering the hygienist's questions. Until the dentist came in - then he lost it for a moment, but quickly recovered when the dentist didn't do anything but look at his teeth.

Will, of course, is an old hat at this and did just fine through the entire thing.

Both boys' teeth are just fine.
Later, Will has his baseball season's closing ceremonies and got his medal. Then we had dinner at the Oyster House, a place we hadn't eaten before, but enjoyed. It was quite a meal for Xan - he tried Dad's Oysters Rockafeller.

And then gained butter knife privileges (until he licks his knife or tries to stab someone at the table, which has not yet happened since those rules have been put in place. He is very serious about his knife privileges and even requested a knife tonight so he could cut his rice.

We had a garage sale Saturday morning, but didn't do quite as well as we did two weekends ago. Then we had a surprise birthday party to attend and later watched the fight at one of Rodney's co-workers house. We also played poker, and I won both tournaments. :)
Sunday was a relaxing day. I got to play in my scrap room for awhile, which was fun. And Monday was cleaning day... not only did the house need it but Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Paul were coming to visit, so we had to get the place presentable!
Peggy and Paul arrived safely and arrived to enjoy a dysfunctional house: Our power was out for almost an hour around 10 p.m. last night and the A/C was leaking all over the hallway. Luckily, both problems have been resolved ...
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