Our niece/cousin Cheyenne Lee Kasal arrived August 4, 2010 at 2:50 a.m. She weighed in at 8 lbs., 9 oz. and measured 20 1/2 inches.

Joe and Gina are thrilled, but big brother Brandon preferred to ignore her until recently. I guess he was going with the whole "if I ignore her, she might go away" philosophy. Of my boys, Will was happy to see her, but had more of a "been there, done that, got the t-shirt" sort of attitude. Xan was the one who was really interested in her, checking out her little hands, ears, etc.

As of this week, I have been accepted to the University of West Florida Graduate Program.

I will start classes in a few weeks towards a Master's degree in Strategic Communication and Leadership. As Aunt Brenda said, "Oh, wonderful! Now, what does that mean?" In a nutshell, it means I will learn how to create and manage effective and efficient teams of people. I have been taking similar classes at UWF through the credit union and have really enjoyed them, and the professor, Dr. Athena du Pre'.

I am looking forward to the program. Now, if we can just get Rodney's GI Bill to come through correctly!
Rodney is doing well in his Advanced Course, maintaining a 99 percent average in his studies. He's doing a great job, despite sore knees and bruised ribs.
The Guthrie's are now on Skype... so, if you are, too, look us up: jessicaguthrie22.
The weather here in Florida has been, ahem, BALMY, to say the least. The reptiles and amphibians have been out en mass, from little green tree frogs to toads that I swear must weigh over a pound to these intersting little beige lizardy gecko things seen on the kitchen window.

The babies of these things keep getting in to the Florida room and I keep (carefully) picking them up and putting them back outside. It appears there is a nest of them in our porch roof.
One of the pictures I took of a wedding, our friends Tyler and Amber, made it on to a credit card billboard here in Pensacola this month:

I've been doing some scrapbooking/papercrafting this summer while everyone's been gone (I have also scrubbed the entire house, top to bottom, so don't think it has all been fun and games!). This is a mirror I created to be auctioned off for charity at Creative Escape, the event I taught at two years ago in Arizona.

The boys will be home Aug. 22, and start school, Aug. 23, so there will soon be plenty of updates!
1 comment:
Sounds like a bunch of fun things are happening for you guys. Bet your mom is super excited to have a grand-daughter. By the way loving the mirror!
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