Santa Claus visited Pen Air Saturday and both kids told him what they wanted. They each got a stocking with some small toys and candy in it, a personalized letter from Santa and a $10 gift card to Toys R Us, which, of course, had to be spent immediately. Will got Legos (he wanted the set because it had a skeleton) and Xan got wrestlers.

While we were at Toys R Us, we ran into every kid's favorite giraffe, Geoffrey.

Will also worked hard on his Ice Flyers player book. It has all of the player cards in it from last year and was even sponsored by Pen Air. Will even remember to put the "motto" - Not only do we get it, but we get it done. [sniff] I'm so proud!

The Tupperware party went very well. We are just a few hostess credits away from us both getting what we want, so hopefully we will get a few final orders this week. I think everyone had a good time, too!
Rodney is beside himself with glee... he purchased a "new" bbq smoker for $10 from a guy in Navarre. Thank goodness Rodney has a friend with a truck. Mark Nunez was kind enough to drive him out there at 9 p.m. to get it!
Last week, I also forgot to put out the new nativity scene Peggy got us earlier this year. It now resides on our tall kitchen table ad will join the rest of the Christmas stuff so I don't forget it again!

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