There haven't been a lot of photos taken around here lately. We've settled in to a 2011 weekly schedule of school and work and enjoyed MLK day off today. I studied for my classes this week and we all got some stuff done around the house.

Rodney acquired another rusty but still useful smoker from a friend of mine from work - free! At least he has an inexpensive hobby of fixing up old smokers and barbecues.
We also did some organizing around here. The shed out back is now Rodney's tool shed. The remaining scrapbooking stuff out there is on a shelf in the garage. Rodney is in a better mood than usual now that he has a newly carpeted man room he no longer shares with Marble (just exercise equipment) and a tool shed. We'll see if it lasts.
We hosted poker night Friday night (the same day Rodney had his ingrown toe worked on for the second time) and our house had more baby girls in it than it's had for awhile. Tyler brought over 2-month-old Emily and Kanoko and Joe brought over 2-week-old Isabelle. Very cute. Very pink. Julie juggled them both for a moment.

There are still 4 more babies to be born in the ATC group, and my friend Brynn from work. I'm trying not to drink too much local water here.
We had game night at Joe and Kanoko's house last night. The boys stomped the girls, but we're ready for a rematch. It was a lot of fun and Rodney's boss is actually more competitive than I am. can you imagine what he must be like? :)
Xan has been perfecting his Wii putting. He has actually moved on to angled greens. I showed him a few adjustments to accommodate the slopes and he caught one incredibly fast. I was very impressed. Hopefully he will do well in geometry!

Marble is well on the road to recovery (for the time being) and kept warm in a hand-me-down dog fleece during the frigid temperatures this past week. She also enjoyed a peanut butter jar, her favorite treat.

The kids were also thrilled to find themselves in the Pen Air kid newsletter this quarter. (I wonder how THAT was arranged...?) Look at the Picture It page on
this link.