A photo I forgot to post before the Christmas photos is the one we took at the Ice Flyers game the same night. It was a fun time.

We had a poker game New Years Day and Joe came over with cigars celebratimg the arrival of Isabelle. New Years Eve was less than fun, really. Marble started stumbling around. Assuming the worst Rodney and I took her to an emergency vet across town. Turned out she only had a bad inner ear infection and needed antibiotics. As you can see, she still tilts her head to the left, but she's back to her old pesky self.

Meanwhile, Luke and the boys played football in our Florida room, which now sports "new" carpet. Rodney's boss was installing tile at his house, so we got their old carpet, which was very nice.

And, of course, Peggy and Jill had to take a trip to the beach, despite the chilly temps.
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