Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Baby" and babies

We hung around close to home this weekend, venturing only as far as Academy Sports across town where Rodney spent some Christmas money on a bat bag and shoe inserts. Here is a video of the family singing Justin Bieber's "Baby" in the car. Xan is a huge fan of the Biebs and Will is a huge fan of singing. In fact, he tried out for the chorus at school but has not yet heard if he made it.

We hosted the UFC fights at our house last night and had a fun group of people here. Two of which were 10-month-old boys, Kaleb and Justin. They ignored each other for most of the evening, until Xan brought out a beach ball for them to play with. Here's a video of the baby beach ball battle:

1 comment:

Jenn Christman said...

Very cute! Love how Will closes his eyes. You guys made me smile!!