Thursday, August 02, 2012

Making ice cream at the library and other things...

The library on MCAS Iwakuni has a great summer reading program and yesterday they had an ice cream social. They actually got to make the ice cream - after story time where an elephant did not want to share his ice cream. This was a great set up because siblings then had to share the Ziploc baggie of ice cream.


Chocolate (for chocolate ice cream)

Shake, shake, shake!

Getting ready to enjoy the ice cream

Pouring the soft-serve ice cream in to cups.
 Rodney's boss was featured in the base's monthly magazine. It was an article about the activities and services available to the Marines and their families. Obviously,m he likes date night. :) His wife is Japanese.

Since 10-year-olds can run around base without supervision, we got Will an inexpensive cell phone. Here is a photo of him learning to text:

Texting his mother
Every Wednesday the base offers Mongolian Barbecue night, and the kids had a great time picking out their meats, vegetables and sauces for the chefs to cook in front of them:

If you haven't checked my public blog lately, the most recent post on there is about our orientation and Japanese drivers ed.

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