Saturday was full of fun in a variety of ways. Will had soccer team pictures and a game in the morning. I finally got to see him score a goal. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera ready, yet, since I had just gotten to the field, so no picture of it - sorry! But it got hot fast and the kids were looking a little wilted by the last quarter of the game. I guess the coach had them practicing quite a bit before the game since this week's practice was cancelled. Hopefully he won't do that again next week before the game. To combat the lethargy, Will scooped some ice out of the team ice chest and but it on the back of his head. Xan was busy on the sidelines playing with his hat and beads. That is one kid who can stay busy with the cheapest of toys.

The lovebugs, as they call them here, are thick right now. They were all over the place at the game. The good thing is that they don't bite.

After nap time, we headed to the annual Pensacola Seafood Festival. I think nearly all of Pensacola showed up. It was crowded, but the food smelled great, the vendors were fun to shop and the live music was good. There was even a kid section where Will and Xan got to slide, throw and fish to the hearts' content.

We, of course ate seafood from the vendors there. Well, at least Rodney and I did . The boys preferred corndogs. Rodney had the fried calamari basket. I went with something a little more healthy: beef and shrimp kabobs. Very tasty.

After supper, the boys found bow and arrow sets they just had to have. They will take them when they go with Daddy practice their bow hunting skills in a nearby empty lot.

Once we got home and the boys were bathed, Will "scrapbooked" on his desk for awhile. Xan made room alongside him, using Will's computer's CPU as the table.

This morning, Will learned how to tie his shoes, thanks to Dad's "10 minutes and a Tear" method of instruction. (Rodney called it this himself.) Apparently it took only 10 minutes to teach Will how to do the bunny ears and he only cried in frustration once. Will, not Rodney...