Two nights ago, we tried the Halloween costumes on the boys. Will wanted to be a Star Wars Star Trooper and Xan is a Lion. And more of a Cowardly Lion, at this point. He was not a big fan for Will's costume or his own, after seeing Will's "scary" mask.

"Will no scare me, Will no scare me!" he kept shouting at his brother. Something tells me Halloween is going to be interesting this year.
Tonight was Will's school Open House. We attended, although there was standing room outside only by the time we got there. According to Mrs. Perry, there was nothing too ezxciting said by the Superintendent, just to want to see if there was any flooding or high-wind advsories that might have school cancelled for tomorrow. While Ike will miss us, we are scheduled to have some kind of downpour late this evening and the winds are around 20 mph right now, with stronger gusts.
We also toured Will's classroom where his teacher said he is a model student with one exception - he likes to run into the classroom and JUMP in front of people (especially girls) in the middle of the classroom. They have a penny system, where each child has 10 pennies at the beginning of the week and gets them taken or earned back as their behavior dictates. He currently has 8 pennies for this week, the lowest he has had since the start of school, but Ms. Perry does not seem concerned - she said the kids are getting more confortable with her and her surroundings. We do have teacher-parent conferences on Oct. 6. Tonight she also gave the kids a cute package with the following items and this note:
Toothpick: Pick the good in ALL, including yourself
LifeSaver: You can come to any adult if you need help
Band-Aid: To heal hurt feelings, either yours or a friend
Smarties: Everyone in our class will learn and is getting smarter every day
Eraser: We all make mistakes. That's OK; we learn by our mistakes
Hugs (from Hearshey's): Everyone needs a hiug from time to time
Gum: Stick together and work as a team
Cute idea ...
After the Open House, we went to the neighborhood ice cream parlor, Hershey's, and had ice cream. The boys were in bed by 7:30 - no protests, poor guys! The 6:45 a.m. bus stop really makes its mark by the end of the week!
Anyhow, as for Rodney, he is appalled that I put his medical info here, on the blog, and has asked me not to print anymore, that he will call home and let them know what is going on. Suffice it to say that he has nothing major wrong with him at this time, and is still going in for more previously planned tests next week.
As for me, I think I have finally caught up on my sleep. The hazy feeling has gone away and I am getting a lot done. I have been spending some time with the dogs, especially Slade, who has good days and bad ones. Today was a good one and he was excited to get his piece of meat stuffed with his three pills (heart, dieretic and hypothyroid) and ready to play with Rodney afterwards. The poor thing needs to eat more, he's skin and bones, but as long as he's got his joie de virve (or however you spell that French phrase) we'll keep him around.

Rodney tolerates me allowing Slade in to sleep on the floor of my scrap room while I work, although Slade makes sure Rodney is OK with it (follows him around until Rodney pats him) before he can settle down. Rodney can be such a tyrant, LOL...
Tomorrow night we have plans to go see the Star Wars cartoon (Will has been begging ot see it and hopefully it is still out) and have popcorn for supper. Again, Rodney is appalled with this idea, but I guess I am a more liberal parent and figure that junk food for supper once in a awhile won't hurt... everything in moderation, right? And Will's first soccer game is Saturday, so I am sure I will have some pictures of that.
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