The boys have grown at least an inch since I left. Will showed me the hole where his second tooth is no longer there. Xan's vocabulary has expanded and he can now speak in nearly full sentences, adding in some slang phrases as necessary. Very funny. No more baby boy!
Rodney held down the fort quite well while I was gone. He is having some CT Scans, etc., done in the next couple of weeks to find out the root of his stomach ailments that have affected him for the past two years or so. Hopefully they will find out what's wrong and fix it.
I desperately needed to catch up on my sleep during my whirlwind two weeks on the Wesat Coast and slept for more than 12 hours last night (and this morning!). I am feeling much better, although my ears are still all plugged up from the flight.
I have also gotten some great photos of our Illinois cousins. Well, actually, Drew, who will be 1 this month, is in Tucson, AZ, but Lauren is still in Pike County, and these are photos of her first day of dance class, compliments of Aunt Vicky. Lauren looks thrilled!

Drew's Mom, Rodney's cousin Katie, took these and said Drew is getting into EVERYTHING... good for him! I think he looks an awful lot like Uncle Jim...

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