It was a brightly-lit labrynth of scrappiness, differnt rooms dedicated to different things: the tool room, the theme room (papers and embellies organized by theme) and the one I could have spend considerable time and money in: the cardstock room.

I really enjoyed this store, with its friendly, knowledgeable owner and staff and it's great selection of products that were easy to find. I would have spent even more time (and probably money) there if we didn't have the dogs traveling with us in a black Ford Explorer in 92-degree, humid weather. There is only so long husband and dogs would be happy meandering around the grassy knoll behind the store.
Rodney, the dogs, and I headed for Jacksonville, NC, where our friends, Chris and Michi, also at the mercy of the Marine Corps, are currently stationed.

They have a beautiful home and a huge backyard the cleared themselves this past year.

They took us to a really interesting bar/museum, Sywanyks.

This place is huge, and covered from floor to ceiling in Marine Corps paraphernalia, contemporary and historic.

We played pool, listened to the Top 40 hits and just took in all the stuff. Chris said he's een there several times and he always finds something new.

Today we'll be looking around Jacksonville and Camp Lejeune.
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