"Attached are some photos of the kids. The first two are of Xan riding his “scooter”. He learned to ride it much like Will does with Christian’s scooter next door. After he went around the yard area several times grandma noticed something funny – his pants were on backwards!. The third photo is of will selling tomato plants yesterday. The plants were “planted” by the turtles either by eating the tomatoes or by “passing” them. Either way, grandma salvaged them and has been giving them away but has too many to do that now so she let Will sell them on our corner. Even though they were selling for .25 he managed to sell five or six for $5.00. When one lady asked how much they were, he said $.05! I reminded him that his sign said $0.25. She still paid a $1.00 for one plant."

1 comment:
Too funny. I love the backwards shorts. Dad gave good commentary. Glad Will earnd some spending money.
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