... sorry for the delay with updated pictures, but we've been pretty busy!
Will has continued with his second grade career in Mrs. Hunt's class. Open House was Thursday night and I headed over to the school with Will. He was very proud of two of his pictures that went with his essays: One of me in the hospital when I had Xan (note Will peeking through the door's window) and of his "banana pigs." Hopefully you will also be able to read what he wrote in the "All About Me" assignment.

Some of you may have gotten an email about Will's fundraiser at school. If you feel inclined, please order, as he will get credit towards prizes for whatever he sells. Will also started baseball practice this week. Rodney is the assistant coach of Will's team and they will have practice every Wednesday and Friday, with games on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays through November.
Xan has moved in to the 3-year-old room at preschool and seems to be doing well there. He had soccer practice again this Thursday and he participated in everything with very little crying, Rodney said (I was at the Open House with Will, so I will have to take his word for it).
Rodney has been doing well on his Body for Life diet and exercise program. He has lost about 11 pounds in the past two weeks. He has also been gearing up for hunting season, watching those horrible bow hunting cable shows as often as I let him, sometimes with his 70-pound lap dog with him.

I have been very busy at work, with K2R and doing some copywriting. I am looking forward to flying home for the Columbus Day weekend next month. Hooray for Federal Holidays!!!