Xan had his first soccer game on Saturday, and he aactually played onthe field - against his Will. Will was allowed on the field to help him get used to playing. I promised Will that he and Xan could each get a cheap Lego toy if Xan played int he game, so Will took his assignment very seriously. After laughter and cajoling didn;t work, Will took the bull by the horns - actually the Xan by the shoulders - and pushed him around the field at the ball. Apparently this method is effective - Xan scored a goal. Or maybe it was Will who scored the goal by shoving xan;s legs in to it. It's hard to tell, but we all cheered like crazy in the hopes it would be enough encouragement for Xan. Mmmm... not so much.

I've been busy at work. Pen Air now has an "It" advertising campaign, like "enjoy it," "build it," "live it," etc. At the last minute we decided to sponsor a BBQ, so we chose to give away hot sauce to the attendees. In an hour I designed this label, which mirrors our ad campaign.

Tonight Rodney, the boys and I headed to the Pensacola Civic Center to see the BBC's 'Walking with Dinosaurs" show. It was very good, with life-sized puppets and great infomation about dinosaurs. Here are the boys waiting for the show, and the best photos I could take at a distance in low light without a flash.

Checking out the I-110 overpass and Pensacola Bay from three stories up - this photo is for YOU Mom!

Xan will come around to playing some day. Its neat that they let Will on the field to help him out, nothing like a brother support team!
Sounds like you had your hands full with the work stuff. The label came out great and I am sure that they loved it.
As for the show... wow. That looked really cool!
Thanks, lady... yep, I have been busy ...I hope all is well with you!
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