... Xan had his first team sport practice today. He's playing soccer at the church across the street from our neighborhood. It's the first time the league has had a 3-year-old level, but they came out in droves. Xan is the tallest and most skilled player, but he only played the last 15 minutes. He cried the first 45 minutes. Dad was in charge of getting him to practice at 5:30 p.m. I got a call at 5:40 p.m. - "He won't play, he won't stop crying!" So, after being home for five minutes or so, I had to rush over to calm Rodney and Xan down. Xan wanted NO part of the running, the dribbling around cones or the stretching. But when it was time to kick the ball in to the goal... oh yeah! He was ready for that. When it was time for a bath, the shin guards proved to be too much...
1 comment:
How fun. Sounds like Makayla's day at preschool!
I have to say I am a little jealous... my parents used to cart us around to soccer practice and games and it was a lot of fun. Every time we go by a soccer field I miss being out there. Wish my girls were into soccer, but they are total Princess material. So that wont happen. Maybe with Kyle in a few years!
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