I call the following photo montage "Xan Hates Shorts."

Will did not like me taking photos of Xan when he was in this state, so I just got these three. Within the hour we were at the Naval Hospital for the boys' well checks. They are very healthy and will be tall, the doctor informed me. Wow. Maybe I don't need a medical degree after all. Will won;t need shots until he is 11, but Xan needed three today. He was very brave and went back to school with a Daffy Duck and two Bugs Bunny band-aids.
Tomorrow I am filming a video for the credit union and we need a splashy car. I had my eye on this 2010 metallic green Camaro (think Bumblebee from Transformers if it were yellow. I lovingly call this one Grasshopper) when it was parked at one of the branch offices, advertising a weekend car sale we were having at the dealership. I asked if we could borrow it for the day (and made sure to pick it up tonight so I could play in it a bit!) and Pete Moore Chevrolet agreed... It's manual, so I have had to reach deep into my bag of talents and pull out stick shift driving. I realized I haven't driven stick since 1997. I only stalled out twice! :)

This would be a great 2nd car, but it is way to small for the kids. Both had to sit cross-legged in the back and Will got his ankle caught under the seat as he tried to climb out. But they both thought it was "cool."
Stick shift... even better! Been a long time for me until Bill bought the Honda a few years ago. It was his car so he wanted a stick, but now I drive it and he has a company car. My Excursion just sits in the garage and comes out on special occasions. The Honda is so much fun to drive! The fits... sounds like Makayla must be a 4 years old thing! I even take video so I can show her how ridiculous she is being! Its cute that Will didn't like you taking pictures. Reminds me of Kyle sticking up for Kayla!
I prefer girls but a hole is a hole, love to get a piece of him and have my man juice in him
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