Wednesday night, Will decided to try his culinary skills when he added dill pickles to his taco. He ate the whole thing and said he liked it. We'll see if he adds them on the next taco night!

Thursday was Will's Gallery Night at school. First, we supported the PTA's spaghetti dinner, which Xan really "got in to." And then we headed off down the school hallways to find Will's artwork, reminiscent of artist Piet Mondrian.

After admiring Will's work, we went outside to see demonstrations of different types of art. A local high school jazz band was playing and the kids got to go "thumb print" art.

Rodney and I enjoyed watching a woodworker create a bowl. Turns out he's also a beekeeper and uses the beeswax to seal his bowls.

Will and Xan were especially intrigued by the pottery wheel, which was demonstrated by one of the second grade teachers.

Sunday was a fairly lazy day, but despite nasty weather, we headed out to Perdido Key for a few minutes to catch a glimpse of the white sand beaches before the Gulf Coast oil slick comes our way - which could be as early as Monday afternoon.

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