Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Raina and Dave are engaged!

My MOBster friend Raina got engaged this Christmas, to her boyfriend of six years, Dave. They are very cute couple and I am so happy for them! She sent me this picture of the ring. Can't wait to hear when the big day is!

A fun new trick!

Xan is quite impressed with himself ... he can take a small bottle cap and hold it between his toes. Then, he wiggles his toes so the cap dances back and forth, and then he laughs like a hyena. It's nice to know he is already working on his resume ... for the circus.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Guthrie Christmas 2007

Will gets his Bionicles

Xan loves his new metal shopping cart

Dad helps with the stubborn plastic

Xan poses obediently (for once) with his cart

Ah, the pain of Christmas!

Something the boys can tear up the house with

We're cruisin'! And Will's bummed he can't go ...

Can't forget to spread the Christmas cheer to the canines, as well! They get toys and bones.

Rodney opens the iPod case "Xan" got him

Will's loot

Xan's loot
Christmas was quite lovely for the four of us in the Guthrie household. Will and Xan both got wonderful gifts from Santa. Will go the Lego Bionicles he asked for and Xan seemed to be pleased with Santa's suggested gift of a shopping cart full of groceries and cookware. Other gifts included Aunt Harriet's puzzle for Xan and rubberband-propelled car for Will; Miss Laurie's gifts of a remote-controlled ATV for Will and a very exciting tractor and combine set for Xan; books, coloring supplies, stuffed animals, puzzles, Spiderman slippers and much more from Mom and Dad. The boys and I got Rodney part of his new iPod, an adapter so he can listen to it in his car, a black leather iPod case, a bunch of his favorite pens, a handmade calendar with important dates already in it amd a bunch of shirts from Boot Barn that still not have arrived yet (grrr....!). But Rodney's gifts to me were the best of all. I got a fabulous new jacket with matching gloves and a green scarf that will be great for our trip to Illinois, a rolling case for the scrapbook make and takes I will be doing at Expos next year for Kits2Remember and a "honeymoon" CRUISE!!! Rodney and I will be taking a 5-day cruise to Cabo San Lucas and Ensenada at the end of March next year aboard the Carnival ship Elation. We never went on a honeymoon when we got married and I have always wanted to go on a cruise, so I am VERY excited about the trip! Rodney said he is, too! Plus, it will be at the end of a very busy 3-months for us, so, all the more need for a fun, relaxing getaway! Oh, and I also got myself a new digital SLR camra ... the Canon Rebel XTi. And I absolutely love it! After a quick clean up, we were off to Grandma Nancy and Granpa Mark's house to Christmas it up there!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ear Bugs

I am not sure how it started, but, for the kids' benefit, I started calling my Bluetooth an "ear bug," which, taken out of context, could be pretty gross.

Well, Xan is all about "talking on the phone" whether the phone is a puzzle piece, Hot Wheel car, or Duplo. This morning he wanted a "bah" and pointed to his ear.
"An ear bug?"
So, I handed over my old Bluetooth and the boy was quite happy, but afraid to move his head ... LOL! But after a while, it started weighing down on his ear lobe and fell off repeatedly. And needed it put back on repeatedly. Luckily, nap time wasn't too far away ...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Uncle Joe turns 28

Nothing too exciting ... a dinner at the Kasal's and gifts ... the kimd found in an envelope! :) Brandon enjoyed the envelopes, actually, and we all enjoyed the tasty cheesecake!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday party time!

Each year we are lucky enough to be invited to the Lincoln Family's Christmas party at their home on Lake Mission Viejo. Santa always stops by to read "The Polar Express" and hear what the kids want for Christmas. Xan sat with his brother for part of the story, but was really more interested in a mechanical dog that lit up and sang when his paw was pushed. Xan DID NOT like the idea of sitting too close to Jolly Old Saint Nick, but Will didn't mind, telling Santa he wanted Lego Bionicles for Christmas. Santa said he would see what he could do (and was sure to announce Will's wish quite loudly for all - especially the parents - to hear). Santa was especially gracious in allowing Grandpa Mark to sit on his lap. Grandpa said he wanted some historical General Crook memorabilia ... Santa said he'd see what he could do loud enough for Grandma Nancy to hear!

The Kasals have joined the Wii Revolution

Mom and Dad got a Wii video game player a few months ago and everyone from Great-Grandma GG to Xan enjoy playing together. Who would have thought there would be a video game that entices all ages? Will is a natural at most of the games, from bowling to tennis to golf, schooling everyone with a flick of the remote. Xan gets in on the fun, using an old TV remote to "bowl" when everyone else does. When "he" gets a strike, he high-fives everyone in celebration! But the biggest battles are between Will and Uncle Joe ... you never know who might come out on top!

At the Spectrum ...

Earlier this month, the family headed to the Irvine Spectrum to play games, eat dinner, shop, etc. While I shopped for leggings, Xan discovered mannequins and was quite serious about figuring out why these ladies did not walk or talk or move. Even poking them in the chest didn't work (a true male test.) And, of course, the boys had to ride the carousel ... Dad reluctantly rode, too, but just so I could get some photos!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

In time out ...

The terrible twos appear to be hitting Xan a little early. He is testing his parents rules, testing his brother's bunk bed ladder, testing his ability to stand on a chair ... all things we have told him not to do repeatedly. So, Xan has spent a good part of his days in "time out." This is one of those times.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

5 stitches later ...

Xan is starting to live up to my prediction of being a bit of a wild child. While Will has sof far (knock on wood) avoided stitches, Xan got his first ones yesterday after playing in Will's room. Rodney was in charge, so no one is really sure what happened. Apparently Will and Xan were wrestling on the lower bunk when Will accidentally knocked him off and he split his chin open on the dresser next to the bed. The not-so-funny funny part was that Will was afrid to tell the truth, but finally came out with it after it appeared to be a pretty serious cut, admitting he "accidentally lied" about whatever the original story was he told his Dad. Since Will was crying, feeling pretty bad about what he had done, I stayed with Xan at the urgent care and Will and Dad went to McDonalds for lunch (and hopefully a discussion on being more careful with his little brother and lying).

Xan was fine as long as you did not touch his chin and I could hold him. But, it was pretty clear he was going to need ot be stitched up, so they numbed the area, and gave him a sucker to enjoy while we waited for the numbness to kick in. That's when this picture was taken. He screamed through the shot (who wouldn't?) and then the first couple of stitches (scared) but by the third stitch and the promise of his binki after it was all done, Xan layed there quitely while the doctor stitched him up. He was out playing in the waiitng room 10 minutes later and by dinner time and Grandma and Grandpa's, he was hardly phased. What a trooper!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

I finally finished it!

This week, when I was not working, I was in the garage, finishing up my labor of love, this roughly 8 x 5.5-foot canvas mural for my living room wall. It is actually four main peices that I have joined together in layers. I have had the idea for this for over a year - it was just trying to find the time to do it! I promised myself that I would start it Thanksgiving weekend, which I did. I think it took about 20 hours to do, not including organizing the materials and photos. You will note that that top left corner is a little bare. I need to get some good pictures of Rodney's parents when we visit them later this month. So Paul, Peggy, don't be surprised when I chase you around with the camera! I plan on video taping my description of the mural soon, and if I can get the technology to work properly, posting it here. So keep an eye out for that!

Thanksgiving Birthday

Every six years, my birthday falls on Thanksgiving, and this year was one of those years. I had a fabulous mom-cooked meal, of course, plus a birthday cake! And the whole family was there to celebrate - imagine that!

I don't have any pictures, but Rodney also surprised me with a small get-together at my parent's house the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We played poker most of the night, but I didn't have much birthday luck at the table. Thanks, honey, for organizing the party!

Thanksgiving trip to the fire house

Each year Mom bakes a pecan or pumpkin pie for the local fire fighters ans the station down the street from us. This year was no exception, but it was a little different since the fire station was no longer a trailer, but a full-fledged, brick and mortar station. They had just hung the flat screen TVs their "recreation fund" had purchased. Both boys got junior firefighter hats, Will got to try his hand at driving one of the trucks and Xan couldn't resist swinging the big exhaust hoses in the garage. The firemen were very nice and gave us a tour of the whole place.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rodney now owns the Ultimate Driving Machine ...

otherwise known as a BMW, or Beamer, or the quintessential OC car. Rodney's been wanting one for awhile and this one was a good deal and (sort of) fit in our budget. Will was disappointed that it wasn't a truck (I am sorry, but I have to agree that the F-150 seemed to fit Rodney better) but it do have to admit that it is fun to drive, although the only times I have really gotten to drive it is with the sales guy or Rodney in the car, so I haven't gotten to really test it out yet ... just waiting for the chance to take it on the toll road solo ... LOL. But Rodney is happy, especially since he is getting 30-plus miles per gallon on the way to work. Much better than the 13 or so he got in the truck (but then again, he had about 400 pounds (no kidding) of stuff loaded into all the tool chests, nooks and crannies - you should see all the stuff he took out of it, now littering our garage!). Next time you're over, you'll have to give it a spin for yourself to see if it lives up to the slogan ... the Ultimate Driving Machine. I just hope that if Rodney gets transferred, whereever we go will have a BMW dealership nearby for any repairs!

Thanks, Peggy!

This guy is so cute! A boxer in a hot air balloon Christmas Tree ornament! I have not bought a boxer onament for myslef in a couple of yeas because I have not found any that aee new and cute. Well, Peggy found a great one and sent it to me for my birthday! I can't wait to get the Christmas tree set up so I can add this guy on there! Thanks, Peggy!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Rodney reenlisted today ...

I guess we really are in the Marine Corps for the long haul. Rodney was honorably discharged and then re-enlisted in the Corps for at least another 5 years. He was sworn in and he got a certificate to commemorate the event. I also got one, for my dedication to my husband's Marine Corps career. Rodney just celebrated his 11th year last month, so we're on the downhill stretch.

Ice Skating!

Will's school, Del Cerro, hosted a skate night Wednesday night, so we all went and skated - even Xan! Will did great, the hockey practices and roller blading really paid off! He had enough fun that he wants to go back. Xan was not happy about the lack of balance, especially on the ice, but he quickly got his "blade legs." At least he did when they put a plate of cookies out 8 feet away from him. All of a sudden the little boy who did not want to leave his Dad's lap was booking it across the aisle several times for a snack, in his skates.