Sunday, October 09, 2011

Floor, Day 2

The children are perplexed by the new floor. Both of them asked Rodney separately: "When are we getting new carpet?"
Rodney: "That is the new floor. We're not putting a rug down."
When I came in to the room, they asked me, I think for verification.
Xan: "So, we're not getting a new carpet."
Me: "No."
Will: "Really? Darn. I like carpet."
Me: "Well, we're going to try this for awhile and see how it goes."
Xan: "That's cool."

Marble just keeps walking across it: click, click, click, click. I'd say she was simply enjoying the novelty of the new sound, but she's deaf, so there goes that theory.

These photos were taken at 10 p.m. today. Rodney has Columbus Day off and assures me the floor will be done and the furniture put back before I get home from work. Place your bets!

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