Thursday, March 14, 2013

Karate, Japanese fame and more...

Will and Xan are really "kicking butt" in karate these days. They are working on learning their kata, which is a choreographed "dance" of karate moves. When they have it perfected, they perform it for the sensei and when he deems it worthy, they can move up to an orange belt. Xan kicked it up a notch, literally, in class yesterday, impressing the sensei with his accurate spinning back kicks, which no one else in class has been doing. While I didn't get the kicks on film, here is a video of him pitted against the sensei's son, an 8-year-old orange belt:

Tenacious Xan

Will has had Terra Nova testing this week, the DoD's school standardized testing for the year. He managed to convince his father to cook eggs for him for breakfast each day and get a ride to school once. They are getting so spoiled! ;)

Here is a photo of Rodney wearing his Charlie uniform for the first time since being promoted (note the new chevrons on the sleeve.)

I was featured in the Japanese media again, which was fun: Yamaguchi Newspaper

I have also had a great time teaching scrapbooking, My March Crafts & Cocktails class was Tuesday and I taught eight Japanese ladies in the morning and 14 ladies associated with the base in the evening. You can find the photos on my Tenaciously Remembered blog.

Last., but not least, a photo of Xan in a bag:

The personalized bag home-party company, Thirty-one, is VERY popular here in Iwakuni and I ordered a couple of bags from a friends party, one of them being this huge bag called Room for 2. I had no idea it was going to be so big, but, for all its size, it only fit one Xan.

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