Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Damage and injuries...

If you haven;t lately, be sure to read my public blog. You can see photos of what our apartment looks like with out household goods in it:

Give me a holiday weekend...

Some items of note that were not on the public blog...

Although most of you already know from Facebook, Xan had a quick trip to the ER on base last week. He fell off the monkey bars on the playground and hurt his arm. Fortunately, it was not broken, and he was exhausted enough to fall asleep while waiting for the x-ray tech to arrive.

Those of you who know me well, know that I do not criticize grade school teachers. They have a job I could never have the patience for. However, when me child brings home a homework assignment fit for a pirate, I have a problem:

Simple quote marks before the 'All and after the 'me' would have made this much more grammatically palatable.
 I have only found a handful of items damaged by the move so far and most of the apartment is unpacked. Of course, four of these items were lamp shades, and you know what a struggle it has been for me to find some. So, I am going to claim them as damaged but I taped them up and started using them. Even if we do get full retail value to replace them, I'll never find any here.

This thick plastic glass was split down the side because the movers shoved its mate in it to stack them in the box.  Too bad this could have been easily avoided.
 In other news:
Japan seems to be great for Will's tooth loss. He lost a third tooth yesterday. That;s another 100 yen for  him.

Here is Xan enjoying WWE Smackdown while he plays with  his WWE Rumblers figures.

Will fell while playing Nerf wars two days ago and gave himself a lovely bruise/road rash injury. It's too big for a standard Band-aid and the tape won't stay on well. Daiso to the rescue! I found this elbow net in the first aid section of the daiso. It works great!

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